User: bmohammed_1

Latest reviews by bmohammed_1

  • Verified photos
    TS KITKAT DARING HOT ELEGANT TRANS - Transsexual escort in Johor Bahru
    Rating: 3 / 5

    Met kitkat in PH. She was a bit of a disappointment as she had not washed prior to our meeting. She was a bit agitated when i came to her room and came across as simply wanting my cash and to get me out as quickly as possible. Her performance was okay but she is very small down below.

    Would have been a better experience if she tried a bit harder and was not so rushed. Perhaps i caught her on a bad day.

    Rate 8 out of 10 - gives more competitive rates than all the other TS
    Looks 5 out of 10 - could be improved
    Attitude 5 out of 10 - too rushed and was on edge
    Location 7 out of 10

  • Verified photos
    BIGGESTCOCK - Transsexual escort in Manila
    Rating: 4 / 5

    The date was average. Would have been better if she had not wore these silly colored socks. Hygiene would be improved so could the lenght of cock. Its thik but not long. She cant get full irrection. Needs work on face also. Would five 5 out of 10 for this date.

    I dont remember to be honest! But still good or bad comment its always appreciated:)