User: Profile_Delete

Profile_Delete's avatar

Latest reviews by Profile_Delete

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    Deeptroat expert just arrived - escort in Taipei
    Rating: 4 / 5

    Met her yesterday...and trust me...i had super amazing time...
    She was 100% worth of what she is best at...Giving blowjob...
    The moment she started blowing me....i felt the time had stopped and just wished that my dick should stay in her mouth like forever...

    This was the best blowjob i received so of best....

    the best part was the 2nd round i just wanted to blow me and make me cum.....for good 10-12 minutes she kept on blowing with all her skills and the surprise was that she took all of my load in her mouth....

    Best Blowjob & Deepthroat. (you could actually feel she sucking your dick dry)...

    She also gave me a good massage...which took me to another level

    No worry...


    Thankyou honey your satisfaction is my happiness