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Lara - puta in Cologne Photo 1 of 3Lara - puta in Cologne Photo 2 of 3Lara - puta in Cologne Photo 3 of 3

What is your life´s philosophy?

I want to go from one open door to the next open door. I try not to worry too much about things that have happened in the past because I assume they are sending me to a much better time in my life. I used to get so worried about the things that happened in the past that I never got anything done. I once got kicked off a modeling job because I would not do the poses they wanted. I worried about it too much. Two days later I got a better job, and I learned to move from one open door to the next.

A person who inspires you?

Lauren Hutton inspires me because she is still a figure in our world even though it has been such a long time since she was a model. Of course, I love people like Linda Evangelista and Tyra Banks. I am inspired by women like Janice Dickinson, but Lauren Hutton is still relevant today in the most tangible of ways. I want to be relevant when my time is up as a model and my looks are gone.

If you had to describe yourself with a well-known movie title - which one would it be?

Sleeping Beauty. I love that movie, first of all, and I really enjoy the idea of being just under the radar. I want people to see me and wonder who I am, and I hope that they will want me to wake up and be a bigger part of their world. Perhaps I will run across a designer who wants me to be his muse, and that would be my awakening moment that is so badly needed by many models.

About the site:
Krypton Escort is an online community for amateurs in the pay date area.
Creative work, especially in the field of marketing, is essential for our platform, as many classic ways in this particular industry are difficult to apply. On a few other fields, the hurdles are so numerous and therefore make completely new ways of thinking and solutions indispensable in order to be effective in this difficult market.
Over the past few years, we have developed innovative solutions to create a software and communication environment that allows you to pursue your hobby in a discreet and safe manner, in addition to working companion service providers ("users").

Years of experience in multichannel marketing allows us to direct the user to highly relevant and fast converting traffic to their profiles and to contact potential customers in an uncomplicated and efficient way.

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