The best transwoman of the city is Disha maam. I have become a fan of this lady. Beautiful gorgeous…
The sweetest girl in town with amazing service and also very nice behavior
Recommended for all
Met this beautiful mistress again in Lucknow.. she came here on my special request. What a…
Ipsita madam I met her few months back and took her service she is very nice talk very nice her…
It was nice experience meeting Nikki in Bangalore. Dream come true for me. And nice part is she is…
You have to belive me she is top dead gorgeous..
With curvy body big juicy boobs..and a big fat…
Met silk for the third time and was amazing as always.
She is very warm and make u so comfortable…
I was v scared first timer, went to her hotel room, she had sexy music and lights on. She very well…
Angelina is a supreme sensative. Met this beauty few days back and had a pleasure experience with…
I meet her last month on 31 December,she is a queen of beauty she is so sweet,cute and beautiful…
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