call or whatsapp on 𝟳𝟵𝟴𝟵𝟰𝟮𝟮𝟳𝟰𝟲
we are the most trusted escorts service provider in Pune
the profile you are watching 100% same girl available for your service
I can send to this girl to your home / hotel or any private place also you can come and pick up her
you can pay her charges directly to that girl by cash
charges starting from Rs 6k for short time and full night 12 k note this is starting price all girls are not same price
The profile you are waching is verified by this website so you can trust us
- Languages
- Hindi (Fluent)English (Basic)
- Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Height
- 154 cm / 5′1″
- Ethnicity
- Asian
- Bust
- Medium
- Age
- 19
- Shaved
- Yes
- Smokes?
- No
- Hair color
- Black
- Nationality
- Indian
- Gender
- Female
- City
- Pune
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