Please i need help

Started by Deleted user Edit Topic

Deleted user

Hello.i have a Problem. I receive emails that somebody asked me a question and when I click on answer link in my email doesnt work and also I can not see the questions what i received in last 2 days when I log in to my Profile but i got email with 2 questions but when I Log in to my Profile i can not see These 2 questions. And i have a question with the my Profile when I log in and look at statistic there is written that many contacted me called me.but i didnt received so much calls .and i got my number on My Profile correctly written.hope for an answer. And Thank you very much.have a nice day

Deleted user

Hi, thanks for your message. Please tell me when you received the notification emails. It could be that the user deleted his account before you replied or his questions were blocked due to violations of rules. Regarding clicks on your phone number, we provide you with this data so that you can work out if your listings has interest on our website. Due to our privacy policy we do not disclose who clicked on your phone number. Thanks, Claire.

Deleted user

Hi .thanks for the 2 notification emails with 2 questions from diferent user Were in 22 may .1 was on 23 may. And 1 was on 25 may.all 4 notifucation emails were with questions from different users.thank you

Deleted user

Hi, thanks for your reply. We will investigate this issue, sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks, Claire.